Eurowings Digital

How Eurowings Digital used Leapsome to build a great place to work, reducing turnover by 12% and increasing eNPS scores

Eurowings Digital is a subsidiary of Eurowings Aviation and transforms the Eurowings brand from an airline to a holistic digital travel companion. They focus on emerging trends and provide digital solutions for customers. The goal is not only to deliver affordable flights for customers but to improve and support the entire journey.
Cologne, Germany
Company size
Features used
  • Performance Reviews
  • Surveys
  • Goals
  • Learning

“With Leapsome, we’ve seen some amazing improvements. The initiatives we identified from the survey results decreased our turnover by 12,2%, increased our survey participation rate to 82%, and it made people more productive and excited to come to the office.

Listening and transparency is a part of our culture, and Leapsome is a tool that gives our people a voice. The results are visible to the team members, so they can openly discuss with their managers during their retros.”

Natasa Kovacevic
People and Culture Manager

The Challenge

Eurowings Digital initially started its search for an employee engagement tool when the company reached 50 people in size. Their main goal was to measure the eNPS (employee net promoter score) of their team. On the question “Would you recommend Eurowings Digital as a great place to work?” they had an average rating of 7.9. With the help of an engagement tool, the team wanted to increase that score to 8.2. Natasa Kovacevic, People & Culture Manager, recalls that the team also wanted to receive employee feedback about meaningful work, the growth of the company, manager support, and communication. Natasa also wanted to address a problem many scaling companies experience, “as managers and team members change,  it becomes harder to have a clear picture of how people are really doing.” 

This is especially true for Eurowings Digital, as since implementing Leapsome, they’ve grown to over 200 employees and are expected to reach a company size of 300 by the end of the year. The team wanted to ensure that despite the rapid growth, the teams would remain connected to the company and feel comfortable at the office.

The Solution

After launching Leapsome internally, Natasa and the people team began running surveys three times a year. Almost immediately, they were able to uncover the main challenges and subsequent initiatives to tackle across the whole organization. 

The team at Eurowings Digital knew that the most effective method of working with any employee engagement tool is to take survey results as recommendations for initiatives to address the feedback. This helps fight survey fatigue and makes employees feel genuinely heard and understood. 

Natasa and the people team eagerly began turning employee feedback into action and aimed to improve many different aspects of the company’s work environment and culture.

“Anyone that is considering a survey tool should only do it if they’re going to use the results for something tangible. In the new way of working and for the next generation, this “old school” way of separating mental health and mindfulness away from your professional life doesn’t work anymore.

People are expecting a lot more from their workplaces in terms of culture and well-being. So if people ops professionals are not measuring that sentiment, they should absolutely start doing so and then actually follow up on it.”

The people team at Eurowings Digital are genuinely committed to improving the workplace for their colleagues, and Leapsome became their go-to tool for sourcing and interpreting input and feedback.

Well-being at the office

Working with Leapsome’s surveys has enabled the people team to uncover issues the employees actually care about.

As Natasa and her team reviewed the first survey outputs, they noticed many requests from employees wanting additional support for well-being around the office itself. Eurowings Digital is a hybrid company with a remote-first approach. However, they want to encourage people to come to the office at least twice a month. Therefore, they set out to build a working space where they didn’t need to force employees to come to the office but where people genuinely wanted to spend their time. 

They introduced dedicated activity rooms, a yoga studio, and even a special room where people could bring their dogs. The goal was to give employees absolute comfort. If someone had stayed away from the office because they had a dog to take care of at home, they could now bring their furry friend to work to meet other office dogs.

“We don’t encourage back-to-back meetings. In fact, in our company playbook, we outline that meetings should be either 25 minutes or 55 minutes. We don’t do half hours or a full hour. It gives people time to step away. 

We encourage employees to take one meeting a day “on the go.” In nature or around the block, it doesn’t matter, just walk and talk. We also have yoga sessions every Wednesday with two of our volunteers. Over the past two years, the office grew into a place to connect and collaborate, a holistic experience — and not just a place to clock in and out.”

Another issue the people team uncovered was the office equipment. Time and time again, employees mentioned that they had a hard time working with the outdated hardware. Subsequently, new equipment was brought in to provide people with the comfort they needed to be productive and enjoy their work.

Communicating as a growing team

Eurowings Digital wasn’t spared from the growing pains that fast-scaling companies often experience. Specifically, employees felt there wasn’t enough communication around the growth of the company. Natasa and her team took this issue seriously and introduced different formats aimed at giving employees more transparency and clarity into decision-making. From roundtable discussions to regular retrospectives and OKR meetings — they ensured that employees had various ways to give feedback and receive updates on the topics they cared about.

The Result

🌱 Employee turnover rate reduced from 18% to 5.8%

🎯 eNPS question score average increased from 7.9 to 8.5

🏆 Survey participation rate increased from 60% to 82%

Within two years of working with Leapsome and through the team’s initiatives and dedication, Eurowings Digital has achieved some truly impressive results. Despite quadrupling in size, their survey participation rate has increased, and their average scores are more positive across the board.

“Even though we are scaling rapidly, survey scores have increased in every single category. We have nothing in the red anymore company wide, and we have an improvement on every single question we asked.”

The team utilized the Leapsome survey heatmap, which offers an easy overview of average question scores that can be broken down by various data points, including department, gender, tenure, location, and more. 

Eurowings Digital presents a great example of how significantly a company can transform if it effectively uses engagement surveys to uncover hidden issues within the organization that need to be addressed. 

Leapsome serves as an important guide on employee sentiment and allows employees to voice the opinions and concerns they’ve had no outlet for in the past. People teams are then enabled to put initiatives in place that reflect this feedback and directly improve the employee experience.

A place to be productive and have fun — the new Eurowings Digital office

What’s next for Eurowing Digital and Leapsome?

Natasa and her team are grateful to have found an intuitive and user-friendly tool to support them on a variety of topics, whether it be their engagement surveys, performance management, or goal management.

They’re already uncovering many new initiatives from their surveys and saving time by automating their probation period reviews. The team can’t imagine moving away from these processes, and next up, they want to further expand their use of Leapsome by leveraging the Learning module.

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