
How Advertima boosted peer-to-peer support with Leapsome

Advertima is the leading AI to understand human behavior and to improve the customer journey in the physical world.
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Company size
Features used
  • Goals & OKRs
  • Surveys
  • Instant Feedback & Praise
  • Performance & 360 Reviews

"The platform is so user-friendly that people actually like using it!"

Nadja Kaderli
People & Culture Manager

What challenges did you want to solve by introducing Leapsome?

My primary goals were to build an ongoing feedback culture, improve conversations about performance and better understand competencies across the company. It was also to enable everyone to have a full understanding of their own competencies, their performance and how to improve. I could also see the need for feedback processes from a company-wide employee satisfaction survey.

Why did you choose Leapsome?

Leapsome supports individuals at Advertima in facilitating their own development. It provides data and analytics to understand strengths and areas for improvement: everyone can set their specific development goals, and is supported in achieving them. Also, Leapsome enables peers to support each other’s development.

What changes have you seen across the company?

Employee satisfaction increased significantly on metrics related to giving and receiving feedback. Employees’ understanding of their own performance has also increased significantly. We have further seen a boost in other employee satisfaction indicators, such as the feeling of being valued, and the satisfaction with team and company communication. Leapsome has done a great job enabling me to achieve the goals I set regarding feedback and performance management.

What has your experience been with implementing Leapsome?  

There were initial reservations among the software team, who thought that feedback should be delivered only face to face. We discussed and then tested it. Through Leapsome feedback is now recorded in a more structured way, and feedback has since been occurring more often online and offline. Now the software teams also use the platform regularly and report a lot of positive feedback about it.

What would you say to those considering starting with Leapsome?

I fully recommend it, it’s very hands-on, user-friendly and intuitive. Feedback is often something people need to be nudged to do. The platform is so user-friendly that people actually like using it!

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