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✅ Coaching questions checklist

A good starting point for effective coaching is a comprehensive set of questions tailored to different situations and individual needs. That’s why we’re sharing our free coaching questions checklist, designed to transform the way you lead and develop your team.*

With this list, you can approach employee development conversations with renewed confidence and clarity, enabling and empowering your team members to uncover their own solutions and development paths.

Download our coaching questions and become the catalyst for your team’s success 👉

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Purple transparent circle with purple checkmark.

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Purple transparent circle with purple checkmark.

Insightful & actionable

Illustration of two people carrying a box over stairs, another two stacking blocks mid-air, and another two working on a board with boxes and scales, transparent background


The best places to work trust Leapsome

We have customers all over the world. See what some of them have to say.

Testimonial Image

Leapsome is saving us lots of time during our performance appraisals and helps us build an open, value-oriented feedback culture. We’ve compared several platforms, and Leapsome stood out convincingly — it’s user-friendly, intuitive, and highly customizable. As a manager, I love how fast and openly the team at Leapsome reacts to our feedback and suggestions.

Dr. Christian Grobe

Testimonial Image

Leapsome enhances meaningful feedback and employee engagement. It’s a must-have for every company at any stage. We are growing toward 750 employees, but the rollout was easy, fast, and successful nonetheless. The great customer support helped us through the whole onboarding process.

Thore Schӓck, Head of HR & Recruiting.

Thore Schӓck

Head of HR & Recruiting
Testimonial Image

With the help of the people analytics, you can quickly understand the significance of the results. We also frequently use the 1:1 function, which, although very simple, is extremely useful.

Erica Ancobia, Head of People Operations

Erica Ancobia

Head of People Operations
Testimonial Image

We see the People team as a partner team rather than an admin team. We want to focus on our employees and not on processes. With Leapsome, we have automated the manual work around feedback and career development so that we can spend our time with our people: understanding their needs, guiding them through their very own DCMN lifecycle, and helping them find purpose in what they do.

Theresa Jasaraj, Senior Manager, Personal Relations

Theresa Jasaraj

Senior Manager, People Relations


Wichtige Funktionen von Leapsome

Purple and transparent inverted box icon with checkmark.


Wirkungsvolle Feedbackgespräche – darunter Management-, Projekt- und 360°-Reviews – die leicht einzurichten und für alle von Nutzen sind.

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One purple line and two shorter transparent lines centered and underneath one another.


Koordinierte Unternehmens-, Team- und Einzelziele, die effektive Kollaboration und Tracking ermöglichen und so Verantwortungsgefühl und Transparenz fördern.

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Three purple and transparent dots icon.


Leicht zu erstellende Mitarbeiterbefragungen für wirkungsvolle Einblicke in die Stimmung des Teams, die wichtige Entscheidungen vereinfachen.

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Purple inverted notification/lightning icon.

Instant Feedback

Schneller und direkter Austausch von Lob und Feedback, der Entwicklungs- und Lernprozesse fördert und damit die Unternehmenskultur optimiert.

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Purple and inverted chat messages icon.


Strukturierte Agenden und klare Diskussionspunkte für produktive 1:1s und Team-Meetings mit allen Teammitgliedern.

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Light purple and inverted light bulb icon.


Hochgradig personalisierte, skalierbare und automatisierte Onboarding- und Lernfunktionen, welche die Entwicklung und Bindung Ihrer Talente unterstützen.

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